Seeing Through: A Guide to Deeper Human Connection
The Essential Skill You Need to Be Effective in Communication
Improving memory and concentration is one of the well-known applications of hypnosis, and it's what they thought they needed help with.
As I conducted the intake interview, I observed that this person was constantly bragging about their successes and accomplishments with a sad expression, incongruent demeanor and complains about others. They frequently compared themselves to others. This person was hiding behind a fragile veil, but I had to see through them to serve them to the best of abilities.
In NLP we say, "language is a literal representation of what people do inside their heads"
You may have heard the saying of Hazrat Ali (May ALLAH be pleased with him) said,
اَللِّسانُ تَرْجُمانُ الجَنانِ
meaning, "The tongue is the interpreter of the heart"
I believe people try to hide, what they feel vulnerable about, behind their words. Ironically, it's often what they are hiding from that holds the key to solving their problems.
As a coach, you need the ACUTE observation skills to see through their words. One of the important things to NOT DO is, what we call mind reading: that is not interpret without solid evidence.
You need to pay attention to their...
That’s how you find the truth.
As I heard through the bragging and comparative language mixed with complains, 'people did not accept me' I sensed there's a serious low self-esteem and poor self-image issue. So to confirm, I gently asked, "Do you like yourself?"
A tear welled up in their eye. Their tone deepened, and they nodded as they whispered, "No."
At that moment, I knew the real work we needed to do addressing their self-doubt and rebuilding their self-image. I guided them to confront and heal the emotions hiding behind their words.
A few weeks later, they joined one of my classes and said, "I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my memory and concentration, and I feel so much calmer inside."
This is the power of looking beyond the symptoms and addressing the root cause.
Remember, clients in life coaching often come with their understanding of their challenges, but these presenting problems are only the surface. In NLP, we dig deeper. When the root changes, the symptoms simply disappear.
If you want to learn how to develop this skill and create lasting transformations, Feel free to join my online courses.
Kamran Sultan
P.S. If you want to get a private coaching session with me click here