"I want to improve my memory and concentration," said a client during our session.

Improving memory and concentration is one of the well-known applications of hypnosis, and it's what they thought they needed help with.

As I conducted the intake interview, I observed that this person was constantly bragging about their successes and accomplishments with a sad expression, incongruent demeanor and complains about others. They frequently compared themselves to others. This person was hiding behind a fragile veil, but I had to see through them to serve them to the best of abilities.

In NLP we say, "language is a literal representation of what people do inside their heads"

You may have heard the saying of  Hazrat Ali (May ALLAH be pleased with him) said,  

اَللِّسانُ تَرْجُمانُ الجَنانِ

meaning, "The tongue is the interpreter of the heart"

I believe people try to hide, what they feel vulnerable about, behind their words. Ironically, it's often what they are hiding from that holds the key to solving their problems. 

As a coach, you need the ACUTE observation skills to see through their words. One of the important things to NOT DO is, what we call mind reading: that is not interpret without solid evidence.

You need to pay attention to their...

  • TONE: If they are talking about happiness, do they sound happy or not?
  • FACIAL EXPRESSIONS: Do their facial expressions, show the same emotion they are expressing in words?
  • BODY LANGUAGE: Do they show congruence or incongruence in body language?

That’s how you find the truth.

As I heard through the bragging and comparative language mixed with complains, 'people did not accept me' I sensed there's a serious low self-esteem and poor self-image issue. So to confirm, I gently asked, "Do you like yourself?"

A tear welled up in their eye. Their tone deepened, and they nodded as they whispered, "No."

At that moment, I knew the real work we needed to do addressing their self-doubt and rebuilding their self-image. I guided them to confront and heal the emotions hiding behind their words.

A few weeks later, they joined one of my classes and said, "I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my memory and concentration, and I feel so much calmer inside."

This is the power of looking beyond the symptoms and addressing the root cause. 

Remember, clients in life coaching often come with their understanding of their challenges, but these presenting problems are only the surface. In NLP, we dig deeper. When the root changes, the symptoms simply disappear.

If you want to learn how to develop this skill and create lasting transformations, Feel free to join my online courses.

Kamran Sultan

P.S. If you want to get a private coaching session with me click here

  1. NLP for Self-Image & Limiting Beliefs
  2. NLP Phobia Cure: Phobia of Dogs
  3. How to forget painful memories
  4. How I coached a businessman make better decision
  5. Dealing with procrastination using NLP timelines
  6. Relationship Coaching: Mending relationships with NLP
  7. Monophobia: The fear of being alone
  8. Stop Smoking with NLP: A different approach
  9. The Key to Lasting Change: Lessons from a Smoking Cessation Session
  10. Overthinking: How a Client Went from Tired to Relieve with NLP
  11. The Secret to Emotional Healing: The case of a broken heart girl
  12. Seeing Through: A Guide to Deeper Human Connection
  13. The Client Who Reincarnated Three Times: The Key to Effective Coaching

About the author

Master Trainer of NLP & Hypnosis and Personal Breakthrough Expert Kamran Sultan

Since 1997, Kamran Sultan has been training and coaching people from all walks of life. He is a Licensed Master Trainer of NLP™ for the Society of NLP™ (USA), a Strategic Intervention Coach, Ex-Country Supervisor for Jose Silva’s UltraMind Training, a Certified Humanistic NLP Coach, a Certified Fire-walk Instructor (yes, he can make you walk on fire), a Certified Instructor of Hypnosis, and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Kamran has trained and coached others in NLP™ and Hypnosis for over 36,000 hours. His teaching is deep, powerful, and transformative because he teaches from very rich experience, not from a manual. His training sessions are highly engaging and full of fun. Kamran has been constantly learning and updating himself, spending as much as 300 hours every year learning more and more. He has received training in the UK and USA from some of the best NLP™, Hypnosis, and Silva UltraMind trainers, including Dr. Richard Bandler (Creator of NLP™), Anthony Robbins, John LaValle, Joseph Riggio, Kenrick Cleveland, Jamie Smart, Rich Litvin (Co-author of ‘The Prosperous Coach’), Paul McKenna, Michael Breen, Joe White, Julie Silverthorn, Russell Potts, Jo Cooper, Peter Seal, Alex G. Silva, and many others. In addition to business studies from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Kamran has over 10 years of experience in direct (door-to-door) selling and marketing. As a performance enhancement coach, Kamran has seen as many people as he can individually each year since 1997, assisting them in creating what they want in their lives. Kamran is from Karachi, Pakistan but now lives in New Jersey, USA, and provides coaching sessions online.