Ever feel like you're missing the cues? Misreading intentions?

Struggling to understand hidden emotions?

You're not alone. Picking up on subtle shifts in behavior takes skill, and in today's world of mixed signals and digital interactions, it's more important than ever.

This intensive 2.5-hour mini course, "Sharpen Your Senses," equips you with the tools to become a master of calibration. Unleash your inner Sherlock Holmes and learn to read people like a book, unlocking a powerful new level of understanding and connection.

In this course, you'll discover:

  • The powerful calibration skills as taught in our NLP classes: Dive deep into the fundamental principles of accurately reading nonverbal cues, emotional states, and hidden agendas.
  • Micro-Expressions: The Tell-Tale Signs: Learn to recognize the fleeting facial expressions that betray true emotions, even when masked by words.
  • Vocal Cues Unmasked: Master the art of listening beyond words, understanding the impact of tone, pitch, and even silence.
  • Calibration in Action: Practice applying your newfound skills in real-world scenarios, from business negotiations to personal relationships.

Go for it!

In this mini-course, which is a segment from NLP home study course, you will learn one skill that every change agent must have. The ability to observe and track moment to moment changes in people.

    1. How to use this website

    1. Watch a Brief Intro from this course

    2. Welcome from Kamran Sultan

    3. 01. Sharpen Your Senses - Part 1

    4. 02. Sharpen Your Senses - Part 2

Salient features and what this course can do for you

  • $27.00
  • 5 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content
  • Detect moment to moment changes in someone, while you communicate with them
  • Build deeper connections based on genuine understanding and trust.
  • Sharpen your observational skills and detect deception with ease.

Your Trainer:

Master Trainer of NLP & Hypnosis and Personal Breakthrough Expert Kamran Sultan

Since 1997, Kamran Sultan has been training & coaching people from all walks of life. He is a Licensed Master Trainer of NLP™ for Society of NLP™ (USA), Strategic Intervention Coach, Ex-Country Supervisor for Jose Silva’s UltraMind Training, Certified Humanistic NLP Coach, Certified Fire-walk Instructor (Yes, He can make you walk on fire), Certified Instructor of Hypnosis and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Kamran has trained & coached others in NLP™ & Hypnosis for over 36,000 hours. His teaching is deep, powerful & transformative because he teaches from very rich experience, not from manual. His training sessions are highly engaging and full of fun. Kamran has been constantly learning and updating himself and spends as much as 300 hours every year in learning more and more. He has received training in UK and USA from some of the best NLP™, Hypnosis & Silva UltraMind trainers including Dr. Richard Bandler (Creator of NLP™), Anthony Robbins, John LaValle, Joseph Riggio, Kenrick Cleveland, Jamie Smart, Rich Litvin (Co-author of ‘The Prosperous Coach’), Paul McKenna, Michael Breen, Joe White, Julie Silverthorn, Russell Potts, Jo Cooper, Peter Seal, Alex G. Silva and many others. In addition to business studies from Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Kamran has over 10 years' experience in direct (door to door) selling and marketing. As a performance enhancement coach, since 1997 each year I sees as many people as he can individually and assists them to create what they want in their lives. Kamran is from Karachi, Pakistan but now live in New Jersy, USA and provide coaching sessions online.

Learn these powerful NLP skills and apply them in your life.

Gain lifetime access for repeated learning, or opt for 24-hour access to go through this mini-course multiple times within a 24-hour period