Dealing With Procrastination
Using Timelines in Coaching People
"I've lost two jobs in two years and got a warning at my third one today... I really need help. Can you help me?" said a young man when he called.
"Sure, I can help," I replied.
This was a case of overcoming procrastination. When he arrived for his session, we began by exploring how he organized time in his mind. Generally, people perceive time in one of two ways:
- Past behind them, present where they are, and future in front.
- Past, present, and future in front of them.
These are called timelines in NLP.
These timelines profoundly influence behavior, emotions, and even memory.
For example, people with the past behind them tend to repeat their mistakes. From Jungian personality types, they are perceivers, and people with the past in front tend to be planners, they are judgers. There is a lot more to it, a whole lot.
Procrastinators often perceive time in a way that creates a false sense of "there's plenty of time." They have a very long timelines in their mind. Conversely, people who feel perpetually rushed tend to view their future as pressing down on them, they have timelines that's too small.
In this young man's case, his time orientation was the root of his lateness.
I believe that people are complete and whole, that they are not broken. They may have learned certain behaviors or patterns that don’t serve them, but as humans, they are perfect creations of Allah.
Using NLP techniques, I helped him adjust his time orientation and organize at a deeper level in more productive ways.
Over the next two years, he took several courses with me, including Public Speaking, NLP and Hypnosis Practitioner Training.
When I checked in with him after almost two years, he said, "I’ve never been late after that session, except for genuine reasons, like a flat tire!"
NLP isn’t magic, but the results can feel magical. It’s a skill that empowers you to create lasting change for yourself and others.
If you want to learn NLP and explore possibilities for yourself, check my online NLP courses here.
Kamran Sultan
P.S. If you want to get a private coaching session with me click here
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